Monday, July 29, 2024

Cuban Roast Pig at New Years


My brother "Gene" Garren carving the pig on 1/1/24

Cuban Roast Whole Pig 

The Roast Pig Project
The story of a man, a hog and a hole in the ground.
As published in the Los Angeles Times, July 19, 2000

You Tube video of the January 1, 2024 New Years and pig roast is at this link:
   He stared at me with blank eyes, fixed, indifferent, cold, expressionless. I was
frozen with a sense of dread, not knowing what next to do or how to do it. I was terrified. I wanted to scream. Instead, I picked up the marinade and
started to work.
   This was not a killer or even a burglar. This was a 90-pound frozen pig I was
trying to roast. After years of making fried chicken and other foods
for my guests, I found myself  eyeball to eyeball with my dinner, something most Americans only experience
with seafood.
   I was having a big party, about 90 guests, and I wanted to do something different and adventurous. Roasting a whole pig seemed the ticket.
   When I lived in Miami, a friend of mine roasted a pig every Christmas in classic
Cuban style and served it to a yard full of delighted family and friends. I had called her and got some pointers.
But in the end, I discovered that the art of roasting the pig is just that, an art.
   The beauty of roasting a pig Cuban-style is that all you need is a pig, a hole in the ground, wood for a fire, metal racks (which can be made with about $20 worth of materials), some banana leaves and patience.
Plan on a pound of pig per guest if the pig weighs more than 50 pounds. Smaller pigs have less meat relative to weight, so adjust accordingly. Whole pigs are best
purchased at a wholesale meat packer. Call in advance to be sure they
will have one on hand.
   Pork is forgiving; it loves to be slowly cooked in the most primitive environments.  It is best complemented by garlic, oregano and cumin. Cut slits
 in the meaty portions of the neck, shoulders, and legs and put in whole (peeled)
garlic cloves. It is virtually impossible to put in too much garlic.
   My friend's marinade recipe for a 20-pound pig is 5 cups sour orange juice (or half orange and half lime.  I have also used grapefruit juice.), 2 heaping tablespoons salt, 2 heaping tablespoons red pepper, 2 heaping tablespoons cumin, 2 heaping tablespoons oregano, 2 heads of garlic, mashed. Do not use any barbecue sauces. Any sugar will cause the pig to burn.
   Marinate the pig in a plastic bag (they usuall come in one) for at least 12 hours. It can be done in a bathtub and you can put ice around the plastic bag to keep it at a proper storage temperature.
Making a ''pit'' for cooking the pig is relatively simple. Dig a 3x6-foot hole in the
ground, about 2 feet deep. Mound up the dirt from the hole along the sides so that in all it is about three feet from the top of the sides to the bottom of the hole.
   Make sure there are no underground pipes or wiring near the hole, particularly
gas lines. Also, you will need some working room, at least three
feet. Consider wind and smoke and try to separate the hole from the gathering and serving area. If you can't separate the two, at least dig the hole
downwind so you won't have smoked dwelling and guests too.
   You will need about 8 four foot (approximately) pieces of "re-bar" (concrete reinforcing steel bars) and two grills. The metal grill is flexible, and has a diamond pattern. It is easily found at hardware stores as it is often used to put over windows in industrial areas to protect the glass.  It is cheap and flexible.  The same store should have the re-bar too.
   Place all but two of the reinforcing bars across the hole from side to side, leaving about a foot between the last bar and each end of the hole.
   A small, slow-burning fire of a mixture of soft and hard woods is best. Remember, you want to cook this pig as slowly as possible, but still get it
 done. Charcoal or a fire that has burned down to coals is too hot. A slow fire, with
about two sticks of wood actually burning, is the ideal.
Use a complementary aromatic wood such as citrus, almond, fruit, hickory or
mesquite. Whatever you do, don't use eucalyptus, this is not a massage,
it's a roast pig. You will probably need about three bundles of wood for a fire that
will burn eight to nine hours. Let the fire burn for about an hour before you put the pig over it. This is the same as preheating an oven.  You are heating up the hole so that the heat that radiates into the pig wiıll be more even.
   Set up a work table near the roasting site with a piece of heavy plastic on it as a
cover. Put down one of the pieces of grill and lay the pig on its back on top. You must now flatten the pig, which is not unlike splitting a chicken to place it whole on a barbecue grill.   Start at the hips,
pushing both hind legs down. Push down the front legs in the same manner. Then
push on the ribs of both sides at once so that the ribs disjoint at the backbone and lie flat.
   Place the other grill on top and place a piece of reinforcing bar along each side
between the two grills. Tie the assembly together with a straightened wire coat hanger, being careful to include the reinforcing bar in each knot. Tie the four corners and the middle of each side. This makes a nice steel ''envelope'' in which the pig can be easily handled.
Place the pig in the pit on the rack of reinforcing bars, at least two feet above the
fire. Cook the back of the pig first. Pour some of the marinade onto the pig 
stirred up the bottom so that lots of the garlic will be in what you put on the pig.
Cover the whole affair with moistened banana leaves, with each
end open about a foot for access to the fire. Make sure there are
no combustible materials near the site and have a water hose close by for additional safety, particularly if the weather is very dry.
   The fire needs to be kept burning, but just barely. Remember, slow heat. About
60% through the cooking time, uncover the pig and turn it over, then
 cover it again The roasting process is a mixture of patience and patience. The most common mistake is trying to hurry it along.
   Have a couple of family members or friends to help you. Part of the joy is sitting
around the fire and just being with each other, something most Americans rarely do. Play cards, listen to or make music, contemplate the purpose of your life. By surrendering to the process, you will understand the secrets that the pig has to offer. Like a rich and full life, just let it happen and don't try to rush it.
   Cook the pig about five minutes per pound. The last pig I did was about 85 pounds and it took about seven hours. The aroma will change, much the
way that other meat changes aroma as it cooks. There is the aroma of the cooking meat, which is good, but not complete. When the pig is almost done,
the aroma changes to the complete aroma of meat that is done.
   Doneness is most precisely gauged by inserting a roasting thermometer into the
front shoulder, the thickest meat on the pig. If the meat is around
160 to 170 degrees, it is almost done. At this point, break up the fire so that it will
burn out in about 15 minutes. Let the pig finish cooking for
another 45 minutes to an hour with only the residual heat and the heat of the
''blanket'' of banana leaves over it.
   Then, remove the banana leaves, move the ''envelope'' back to the table with the back of the pig down. Remove the top grill. If the pig is cooked well, it will have crisp skin and even be blackened in some places. The meat will be moist and will fall off the bones with little resistance.
   A little pale pink may be found in the most interior places, but this is normal as
long as it is pale and not red. If you discover any red, just do not serve it. You can put it in an oven for further roasting, and next time you will know where to put the thermometer.
   We do not present the pig as center stage for two reasons. The first is that it is
easier to ''carve'' at the cooking site and then carry pans of meat to the main table. Also, those who are not yet ready to see a whole pig don't have to look at it, while those who are curious are free wander back to the place where the cooking and carving occur.
   My brother, who has more than 20 years in Army Special Forces takes great 
pleasure in being at center stage while he is carving with his army survival knife.
But the joke between us is that the meat is so tender he could use a
butter knife as it falls off the bone at the most gentle of touch.
   About 10 minutes after the table is opened, a hush of quiet ''oohs'' and ''aahs'' will settle over the house and yard as guests settle into one of the most delicious plates of food they will have all year. The roast pork is tender, not greasy, and has just a hint of smoke flavor.
   Only first-timers show up late; everyone else comes on time to get a good starting position. Expect people to gorge themselves on seconds and
The table will quickly look like a cloud of locusts has passed through.
In a city of often overly catered entertaining, the primitive act of
roasting a whole pig over an open fire is a wonerful tribal gathering.


Recipes From Many Lives Well Lived


 The stuffing recipe and the sweet potato pie recipe have received multiple accolades from persons as diverse as Korean to African American, all of whom agree that they are outstanding.

 If you are roasting a turkey this year, do it in a paper bag (yes,it really works, no the bag does not catch on fire or even smolder).  Turn the bag flat side down, make sure to use full sized bag (some stores now use smaller bags).

 You can roast the turkey this way stuffed or not stuffed, it works every time. Get two “virgin” bags from the grocery store. Coat the bird (stuffed or unstuffed) with butter, margarine, oil, etc. then sprinkle it with paprika (lightly, this gives it a magnificent color), then put it in a bag (grocery store brown paper), flat side down, in a pan at least three inches deep. Then cut the bottom 8of the other bag to make a “cap” for the open end. Put this into a preheated oven, 350 f, and roast for however many minutes per pound (instructions usually on the turkey). THAT’S IT!!!

 No basting, no turning, no worrying, just pull it out (about 30minutes before time to serve) let it cool some in the bag, then cut off the bag and enjoy a marvelously roasted turkey with moist breast meat and a beautiful color. I have cooked about 45 turkeys this way and they have all come out perfect. I learned this from Kay Jackson of Miami Beach who managed restaurants for years.

 I also discovered that “brining” the turkey for about 12 hours before really makes for a great turkey.  There are many recipes, do a “Google” search on “Turkey Brining” to find a recipe that you like.

I have tried to organize this page, so most of the desserts are at the end.

That said, enjoy!!!


CORNBREAD ALMOND STUFFING (from the Gasparilla Cookbook)

3.5 cups chopped celery

8 cups white bread cubes

5 Tbs minced onion

4 cups whole wheat bread cubes

1.5 cups butter

4 cups corn bread cubes2 tsps savor salt

1 cup slivered toasted almonds

1/2 tsps salt

4 chicken bouillon cubes (or substitute chicken broth, see below)

1/2 tsps black pepper

2 cups water(2 cups of chicken broth may be substituted for the water and bouillon cubes)

Saute celery and onion in butter.

Sprinkle poultry dressing, savor salt, salt and pepper over bread cubes.

To celery and onion mixture add eggs and almonds. Toss this mixture into the bread cubes.

Dissolve bouillon cubes in water and pour over above mixture, tossing lightly until blended.

Stuff bird and put remaining stuffing in casserole and bake, covered, at 300 for 40 minutes.

Remove cover and let brown. Stuffs 10 to 12 pound turkey plus extra casserole.



1 package cranberries

3/4 cup sugar

1 can crushed pineapple (juice pack)

1 (small) package lemon =gelatin

3/4 cup water

1 cup walnuts

Grind cranberries; let sit overnight in sugar. Add nuts and pineapple.Dissolve gelatin in hot water and mix in thoroughly. Refrigerate and allow eight hours to set.


Cranberry Sauce (Ed Garren)

Boil two bags of cranberries and one bag of chopped dried apricots in two quarts of canned apple juice, sweeten to taste with sugar. Let it cook down. You can add some Walnuts or Pecans to it after it is cooked and cooled.


Rich Egg Nog (from the Gasparilla Cookbook)

This amazing Egg Nog is a hit every time, like nothing you've ever tasted before, light and fluffy.

1 pint heavy cream

3/4 cup whiskey

1.25 cups sugar

1/3 cup light rum

6 eggs, separated

1 quart milk

Whip cream until stiff, adding 1/4 cup sugar.

Separate eggs, whip whites very stiff, adding 1/2 cup sugar.

Whip yolks until creamy, adding 1/2 cup sugar; continue beating until all sugar is dissolved. Add the liquors to the yolk-sugar mixture, mix well.

Stir in the milk, fold in the egg whites thoroughly,then the whipped cream.

Makes 2 to 3 quarts. This recipe can be doubled,but it becomes unwieldy if you try to triple or more.

The ingredients can be mixed the day before and folded in together just before serving. The taste is smoother if you let the liquor soak the egg yolks for a while before adding the milk.

It can also be made without the liquor and/or sugar, just soak the eggs in vanilla extract, use about a half cup, and/or substitute Splenda for the sugar, sweeten to taste.




GOLDEN BAKED MACARONI & CHEESE (Morrison’s Cafeteria’s recipe, from the Gasparilla Cookbook)

1/2 pound macaroni

1 tablespoon butter

3 eggs, beaten

1 teaspoon dry mustard (or to taste)

1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper (or to taste)

1 cup milk

3 cups grated cheese (Monterey Jack, Gouda, Sharp Cheddar or anycombination of hard cheeses)

Preheat oven to 350 F.

Boil macaroni until tender; drain. Add butter to macaroni and stir to melt butter and coat macaroni.

In separate bowl, mix mustard, salt, pepper, milk and eggs, add to macaroni/butter mixture. Add most of the cheese and mix well.

Pour into lightly greased casserole dish, sprinkle with reserved cheese.

Bake until the custard is set and crusty,about 45 minutes.

Make eight servings**The secret of this recipe is the use of the mustard, which gives the zip.

You can use prepared mustard if necessary, use to taste.


Greg's Sweet Potato Balls

This recipe was given to me by Greg Ingram, a Cordon Bleu trained chef, who also loves Southern food.


    4 large sweet potatoes

*Note, I often used canned yams, mashed because real "Southern" sweet potatoes are hard to find in the West.  Also, they are alresdy cooked and easy to mash.

    2/3 cup packed brown sugar

    2 tablespoons orange juice

    1 teaspoon orange zest

    1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

    2 cups shredded coconut, sweetened

    1/2 cup granulated sugar

    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon


      1 Pkg. (8 oz). Cream Cheese, 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar (powered sugar), 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream, vanilla, Orange Zest.

       Combine filling ingredients in a mixer and mix until well blended.  Refrigerate until needed.  Form into 1" ball and use for the center of the Sweet Potato balls.


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Bake the potatoes until tender, then peel and mash them*. Stir in the brown sugar, orange juice, zest and nutmeg. In a separate bowl, toss the coconut with the sugar and cinnamon. Press mashed potatoes around each Cream Cheese filling ball, creating a 2 to 3-inch diameter ball. Roll the balls in the coconut mixture.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

If you are lazy or in a hurry, you can substitute 1 large marshmallow for the center of each potato ball.

Watch carefully for the last few minutes of cooking; the expanding marshmallows can cause the potato balls to burst open.


Miss Edna’s CORN PUDDING side dish, NOT a dessert, a BIG hit anytime Miss Edna took it to any function (Edna Garren)

1 (16 ounce) can of cream style corn

2 Tablespoons cornstarch

2 Tablespoons butter, melted

2 Tablespoons sugar

1 Cup of whole milk

1/2 Teaspoon salt

3 eggs, beaten

Dash of nutmeg

Preheat oven to 300 F. Combine dry ingredients, add milk and beat together until completely dissolved.

Add eggs, corn and butter. Mix well, pour into atwo quart casserole and bake at 300 until the custard sets, about 45 - 60 minutes.


Hazelnut Green Beans

from Martin Keliti

Prepare fresh green beans for cooking (wash/cut stems) or use frozen that you have thawed.

Toast hazelnuts in 350 degree oven (careful not to burn), then chop.

Finely chop shallots. Saute them in butter until they start to caramelize; add green beans and continue to saute until they reach desired state of doneness. Season with salt & pepper to taste, add toasted hazelnuts. Serve.


Cole Slaw

The mixture of shredded cabbage and dressing is a staple in the south, as well as other parts of the country.    Most of my life, we simply bought a bottle of Marzetti’s Cole Slaw dressing and put it on.  But I can’t find it here in the Pacific Northwest.  Also, it’s loaded with sugar and fat, neither of which are great in an otherwise very healthy salad.

So, here’s a variation on the usual cole slaw dressing, I hope you like it.


1 Cup Vanilla yogurt

1/4 Cut of granulated Splenda (or sugar if you prefer it).

1 Tablespoon of Lemon or Lime juice.

Mix thoroughly and fold into the “slaw” (some suggestions below).


Chopped or shredded cabbage, fine pieces.  I often buy the pre cut cabbage or “slaw mix” in bags.

Some shredded carrots, purple cabbage if you like as well.

You can stop here if you want a pure “traditional” slaw.  I like to embellish it so here’s some ideas.  You can add any of these in enough quantity to compliment the cabbage and carrots.

Pineapple chunks

Apple chunks



Celery slivers

Fruit/Nut blends (such as “Trail Mix”)

And then there is another favorite of mine, Carrot and Raisin salad.

Sliver enough carrots to make the salad, then add a lot of raisins.  Add some crushed pineapple, then dressing.  Use the pineapple juice in the Slaw Dressing instead of the Lemon or Lime juice.

Fold in Slaw Dressing, just enough to coat the mix, not so much it’s swimming in it.

There is really no wrong way to make Cole Slaw, so be creative, use flavors that compliment each other.  Made with the yogurt based dressing, it’s VERY healthy.  ENJOY !!!


BLACK EYED PEAS (for New Years Day) (Ed Garren)

2 pounds of dried Black Eyed Peas (soak overnight, then rinse 3 times. Thorough rinsing removes the enzymes that cause "gas.")


4 pounds of fresh or frozen which don’t need to be soaked

1/2 pound of bacon

3 large yellow onions, peeled and diced

3 Green Peppers, chopped/diced

Approximately 1/4 to 1/3 cup each of Oregano, Basil, Rosemary

3-5 Bay leaves (optional)

Cayenne Pepper or Tabasco to taste. (I have used a teaspoon each of Garam Masala & Korean Red Pepper paste instead).

Cut bacon into little squares, fry it in the pot.  Pour off the excess grease, then add the diced onions, peppers.  Saute this until they start to get soft, then add the spices and a little water and cook together for about 3 > 5 minutes.

Put in the soaked or frozen (thawed) or fresh black eyed peas. Fill with water to cover peas. Bring to a boil, then reduce to simmer,cover and cook until soft.

I also make the Vegan style without any meat, using olive oil and vegetable stock.


Once cooked, THEN add salt (or powdered chicken soup base) to taste.

May be eaten solo or over Rice.


Mom's New Orleans Red Beans & Rice By Katie Macdonald

From Karen Netherlain of Orange County California.  I had the joy of working with Karen for about 3 years.  She is smart, comes from a fascinating background which includes European and Native American.  This collection of family folklore, and recipes she picked up along the way is great.
“Momma used leftovers like ham bones and what we called pickled pork,” she says. “One day, I didn’t have pickled pork and decided to substitute with pickle juice. It needed that acidity.”
The sweet-salty brine contrasts with the deep smoky ham and spicy sausage. Instead of a heavy dish that pushes you past full into uncomfortable, my mom’s beans are brighter and lighter. I’m not even ashamed to say I’ve licked my plate clean before going back for seconds.
In addition to a four-hour cook time, my mom mashes the beans to get a creamy, almost soup-like consistency. Rice to red bean ratio is totally subjective; some like a stew while others want just enough to coat their rice. Same goes for hot sauce, although my mom (and I) think it’s gilding the lily.
While the recipe is simple and straightforward, it’s also time-consuming. Now, Mom only makes her red beans and rice for special occasions, like my birthday, Mardi Gras, Christmas, or family reunions. And every time, someone will exclaim that it’s the best red beans and rice they’ve ever had.
"Oh, it’s nothing! It’s just my secret ingredient," she brushes it off, as if she's done talking about it. "You'll never guess. I really shouldn't tell you..."  (Five minutes later.),  ”It’s a cup of pickle juice.”

For the red beans:

  • 1 pound red kidney beans (my mom uses Camellia brand)
  • 1 large onion chopped
  • 1/2 bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic, more to taste
  • 3 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1 cup pickle juice (dill or sweet)
  • 5 to 8 whole bay leaves
  • 1 pound smoked sausage, sliced in 1/2 in sections
  • 1 smoked ham bone with meat (many stores will sell ham bones with some meat on them; ham bone will greatly improve the taste of red beans)
  • 1 pound smoked ham cut in cubes (Look for this in meat section, sometimes called "pickled pork" but it won't have a bone with it)
  • 1 tablespoon Cavender's Greek Seasoning

For the rice:

  • 1 cup long grain brown rice
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • 1 splash olive oil

Leftover rice is a burden. A small one, I'll grant you, but one that weighs on me nonetheless. As someone who regularly measures out rice in whatever vessel is closest to my arm (juice glass, coffee cup, ramekin, etc.), and then simply adds in double the amount of water, I rarely make the exact amount that I'll need for a given recipe. As a result, I am often left with excess rice, which I shuttle into Tupperware, stick in the fridge, and promptly forget about until it is a hard, dry lump that I toss in shame.
This nags at me. Well-cooked rice is a beautiful, versatile gift; one that has just as much potential on day two (or three) as it does freshly cooked from the pot.
Thankfully, these 20 recipes are here to give new life to leftover rice, whether it's with a cardamom-infused rice pudding, a spicy burrito, or a pseudo-quiche. And let's not forget fried rice of all stripes (psst—you don't even need a recipe!).
There's a whole leftover rice world out there, and baby, it's way bigger than just dousing those grains in soy sauce and calling it a day. In fact, these recipes just might give you reason to make extra rice on purpose in the future.
Note: Some of these recipes have to be tweaked a bit to accommodate already-cooked rice; skip the rice-cooking step and reduce the liquid to make them leftover-friendly.
Grace to you and peace be multiplied
 Gracia y paz os sean multiplicadas
חסד לך ושלום להיות כפול
Adonai Elohim Tz'Va'Ot


Michele's Chicken Salad

I have known Michele Webb-Perrin since I was five years old.  Michele's father, Bill Webb and grandfather, William Lee were two of the pioneers of the Florida Citrus industry, bringing frozen concentrate fruit juice to the world.  She is direct descendant of Robert E. Lee, sort of a cross between Elizabeth Taylor and Dolly Parton, fun, smart, generous, and very stylish.  Her passions are "taking anything and making it pretty."

This is her chicken salad, "recipe", more of a process than a recipe.  The result is exceptional.  This has made the rounds of baby showers, "Pearl Parties", and late night munchies eaten right out of the Tupperware.  This stuff sells for about $10 a pound in a high end deli.  You can make it for less.

The ratios are about 4 parts of chicken to 1.5 to 2 parts of the rest of the fruit and nuts mixture.  Use about 4 parts of fruit to 1 part of nuts.

Use "just enough" mayo to hold it together.

White meat from a rotisserie chicken (Costco, grocery store deli, etc.) meat pulled off the bones, NO skin.  (You can use dark meet too, changes color and flavor, your choice).

Dried fruits ("Tropical", Mango, Pineapple, Raisins, Cherries, Apricots, etc.) "The more the better."

"A very little bit of very finely chopped celery"

Pecans. (toasted in oven with salt and butter)

Sliced green and red grapes (optional)

Michele and I hope you enjoy her signature Chicken Salad.


Harvey’s Corn Bread  (Edna Garren)

1 Cup Sour Cream

1 small can Creamed Corn

1/2 cup Corn Oil

2 eggs

Combine and mix the above, then add

1 Cup Self Rising Flour (add 1  1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder)

1 Cup Corn Meal

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

Bake in a well greased large skillet or flat flat pan at 425 F until golden brown.


East Indian Mango Chutney

Edna Garren's recipe, originally from Frances Mayers.  Frank and Frances Mayers introduced my parents by arranging a blind date.  This chutney has been celebrated on both coasts by chutney lovers as the best they ever had.

1 Quart Vinegar (not specified, cider vinegar probably used)

7 Cups Sugar

1 Cup Green Ginger (Roast Ginger may be used)

1 Cup Seedless Raisins

1 Cup Currants

1 Cup Onion, chopped fine

5 cloves of Garlic, chopped fine

3 Tablespoons Salt

15 small red peppers (optional, if "HOT" chutney is desired) Edna used 0.

Mix and cook above together for one hour. 

Then, add 10 Cups of Mangos, cubed.

1 cup of Almonds, cut fine, or slivered.

Cook until desired thickness is achieved, bottle in sterilized jars.


Split Pea Soup  (Ed Garren)

This one is a classic, revisited.  I tend to make a stock pot of this, put what I don’t eat right away in freezer bags and freeze for later.  So the recipe is big, you can cut it down if you’re cooking less.

Meat comments:  Classic split pea soup is with ham, and this is great for that leftover ham bone and scraps from a classic “bone in” ham.

If you don’t have ham, cut up a pound of bacon (I use kitchen scissors and make little squares) and fry it in the bottom of the pot, then pour off the excess grease.

You could certainly use smoked turkey, smoked salmon, chicken thighs (pull the skin off) or thigh meat, or vegetarian.  Anything that has a “smokey” flavor is good.

If you go meatless, add about 1/4 cup of Olive Oil for flavor.  You might also add a little “Liquid Smoke.”

Whatever you do, do it at the beginning so it cooks into the peas.

The recipe below is based on ham or bacon, both of which provide a lot of salt, add more (to taste) if you’re using other meat.


2 pounds of dried split peas, soaked for at least 4 to 6 hours.

4 cups diced yellow onions.   1/4 cup minced garlic

1 Tblsp. salt 2 Tblsp black pepper

4 Tblsps  “Italian Seasoning”

4 Tblsps  California Chili Pepper  (or 2 Tblsp  Cayenne Pepper)

2 Tblsps  Cumin *(Optional, ALSO  1 or 2 Tblsps of Curry Powder)*



Ruth Gilbert was the sister of our God Mother, Juanita (Gilbert) Brewton.  They are from Mobile Alabama, and live about five feet above high tide.  This recipe is about as genuine "Gulf Coast" as it gets.  It was offered by Ruth's granddaughter, Lisa Simison.  




1 chopped onion

3 stalks chopped celery

2 cloves chopped garlic

fresh or dried parsley

1 can whole peeled tomatoes

1 can sliced stewed tomatoes

1 bag frozen cut okra

Worcestershire Sauce to taste

Salt and pepper to taste

2 to 3 bay leaves

Lump crabmeat to taste 

Claw crabmeat to taste

1 1/2 pounds peeled raw shrimp or more if desired

Gumbo File

Make a dark roux with 1 part butter and 2 parts flour. Cook slowly on medium low heat until it is very dark brown, stir constantly. Take care not to scorch it. Add onion, celery, garlic and parsley into the roux and let it cook down, still stirring constantly, until vegetables are done. Add tomatoes and cook down some more. Transfer to a heavy stock pot and add about 3 cups water. Bring to a boil and add okra, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, bay leaves and crabmeat. Bring to a boil again and then turn down and simmer for about 1 hour. Add shrimp and cook about 20 more minutes. About 10 minutes before serving, sprinkle gumbo file on and stir. Serve over rice.  


Valerie's Basic French Vegetable Soup

Valerie Cardin-Gauthier is a long time friend of my brother Gene, who has also become a friend of mine.  She is a trained French Chef who lives in Normandie France.  This is her basic vegetable soup recipe.  I hope you enjoy it.


Ingredients: 4 persons/ two meals.


3 carrots

1 onions

3 zucchinis

4 potatoes.


Salt , pepper , water.

 Peel the onions (and other vegetables if you wish) , wash and cut vegetables into small pieces.

 Saute the onions with the butter  and zucchinis and brown them gently.

Afterward, add the carrots and potatoes.  Cover with water, add salt  and pepper to taste .

Simmer about two hours and half.  Make sure to check that there is sufficient water.

You can mix (puree) the soup or leave it in small pieces.

You can put Cream in (optional) if you like.

You can put instead different vegetables.  But the base is sweat onions in butter.



"AMAZING"  MOLE' (Ed Garren)

After years of appreciation from a distance, I decided I wanted to learn how to make Mole' at home, more or less from "scratch."  Though it does not actually have curry in it, think of Mole' as a "chocolate curry" if you've never had it before.

For those of you less familiar with Mexican culture, the first lie that white folks told by implication was that the Swiss invented chocolate.  The reality is that Cacao, the plant from which chocolate is derived, was primarily cultivated in Mexico, for thousands of years.  Chocolate is as endemic to Mexico as sugar cane is to the south, or cheese is to France.  To this day, if you want incredibly delicious chocolate, go to Mexico, or at least get Mexican chocolate.  

One of the things that the Mexicans discovered long before Columbus set foot in the new world is that hot peppers in varied amounts, bring out flavor in chocolate.  In the movie "Chocolat," this is explored and celebrated.  That tradition comes to full fruition in Mole', which is a sauce made of chocolate and peppers for serving over main course food.  Mole' is NOT for dessert, though it could be slightly modified and served as a dessert sauce as well.

So, this is what I've discovered about Mole', after three attempts, all of which were incredible.

I did sort of cheat and used "Dona Maria" Mole' base (sold in small glass jars in the Mexican Food section of most grocery stores).    

For two and a half quarts of Mole' you will need about two to three cups of chocolate, of which the Dona' Maria will only provide about one cup.  The rest should NOT be the Dona' Maria "base" which has peppers in it and would be too hot if you used only it for your chocolate.  I used Nestle's semi sweet "drops", the same as you'd put in chocolate chip cookies.  But any dark chocolate will do.  You can also use the chocolate "pucks" sold for making hot chocolate (Mexican food section, Ibarra or Abuelita).  There needs to be some sweetness in the equation to balance out the peppers.  So if you're using unsweetened dark chocolate, plan on adding some brown (or white) sugar.

So, here are the key elements of Mole' that I've discovered.  

The chocolate should be dark, and not "milk" or "sweet."   Use something with corn (tortillas, even tortilla chips will do) for a thickener.  Peanut butter compliments everything and helps pull the flavors together (though I forgot the peanut butter in the last batch and it still turned out very well). Chicken broth adds a flavor dimension as well.   The key ingredients are:

0 Onion, chopped and sauté'd in olive oil.

0 Tomatoes, chopped fine (I bought some "expired" Pico de Gallo" at the store) sauté'd it with the onions.  That total of both should be about two cups when you start.

0 After I sautéed the onions and tomatoes, I added about a cup of Burgundy wine and let that simmer for a few minutes.  In another recipe, I used dried onions, so I soaked them in the cup of Burgundy for a couple of hours before I sauté'd them.

0 Chop up the chocolate and pulverize it in hot chicken broth (make using bouillon powder and hot tap water) in a blender.  I had to do this a quart at a time, with half the chocolate each time, and peanut butter one time, tortillas the other.

0 Pulverize about six (6) corn tortillas in chicken broth, along with three tablespoons of peanut butter and half a cup of canned green chiles (mild).

0 Add small amounts of chile pepper flakes to bring the "Heat" up to your personal taste.  Be prudent, the heat should not overwhelm the other flavors in the sauce.

0  Oregano, about three tablespoons.

Simmer all of this till it boils.  This "sets" the starch in the pulverized tortillas and makes the sauce thicker.  Let it boil for a few minutes, then turn it off and let it cool.

All of the flavors should blend, but not be overwhelming or stand out.  This is the secret of making "Amazing" Mole'.  The chocolate should not stand out, this is not a sweet sauce for ice cream (though it would probably be incredible on ice cream if you wanted to "challenge" the ice cream).




Simply Mexican, Pinto Beans are ALSO a staple of traditional Southern cooking.  They are great with cornbread, and very nutritious.  This recipe is Vegan, so you can add meat, and other spices to suit yourself.   Also, I add some fat (olive oil, but you can use bacon grease, or other shortening, just a pinch to keep it from foaming.

Pinto beans are speckled reddish brown beans that are larger in size than other varieties.

Decide on the amount of beans you want to prepare... for Rob-Art and me, I cook 2 cups of dried beans which yields 4 cups of cooked beans. This gives us three or four meals from one recipe.

2 cups dried pinto beans
3 large Mexican dried chilies, optional

large heavy bottomed sauce pan with lid
long handled spoon for foam removal
measuring cups
tongs for flipping dried chilies

The Dried Bean Sort
Measure out the beans you will cook. 

Use a white plate or bowl and sprinkle a few on the plate to search for dirt, stones or damaged beans that may be mixed in with the good beans. 

Sort Beans For Debris or Damaged Beans

Place Sorted Beans In Large Bowl For Soaking

Remove any misshaped or damaged beans, dirt or stones.
Yes, you must do this step or you could have damaged teeth!

The Flatulent reducing Bean Soak

If you experience abdominal gas "flatulence" from eating beans, this little step may eliminate that problem for you.

Cover Sorted Beans With Water To Top of Bowl

Place inspected beans in a large bowl and cover with cold water... water should be twice the amount of beans measured or more.

Soak the beans overnight... you'll see them double in size and most of the water will have been absorbed by morning.

In the morning, drain and rinse the beans in cold water three or four times till the water runs clear.  The rinsing and draining removes the enzymes that causse gas.  Even with canned beans, you should NEVER cook them in the water in the can.

NO SALT, or salty meat.  Adding salt at the beginning keeps the beans from cooking all the way through.

Add NO SALT until the beans are cooked completely. Adding salt during the cooking process will result in a TOUGH textured bean or beans not cooking properly.

Optional Dried Chilies

If you like the taste of smoked chilies, but not the heat, try purchasing some dried chilies from you local Mexican grocery store. I've even begun to see them in regular markets, but you'll have to hunt for them.

Dry roast two or three of the dried chilies in a heavy bottomed pan. Turn often to prevent burning. Once you smell a sweet aroma and the peppers are pliable, remove from the heat. 

Pan Roasted Dried Chili Peppers, Turn Often To Prevent Burning

Otherwise, you can use a spice combination similar to the one for the Black Eyed Peas recipe above.  Lately I've been experimenting with East Indian "Masala" spices, etc.  VERY flavorful.

The Bean Boil

Add the rinsed pinto beans to the pan roasted dried chili peppers and cover them with water. Use enough water to cover the beans and have at least one inch above the bean level.

When the pot contents begin to boil, the surface will form a white foam from the gases being released from the beans. This is not a time to leave the kitchen!!! I have had this boil over many times and the clean-up is no fun! While the beans boil, skim off off the white foam that appears on the surface of the cooking water with a large spoon.

Skim The Foam Off The Top Once The Beans Begin To Boil

Cover The Simmering Beans With A LId

Turn the burner down to the lowest setting for a simmer and cover the pot with a lid... cook for 1 hour.

One Hour Taste Test

After one hour, taste a bean to make sure it is soft enough, if not, cook for another 30 minutes.  

Once the beans are soft, THEN you can add some salt.

High Altitude HINT: Those who live at high altitudes will have to cook their beans longer. Make sure you make note of the cooking time so that you don't have to keep testing the next time you cook.

Once the beans are done to your taste test, turn the heat off.  You can either drain the liquid off, or use it as part of the meal.  These are great with cornbread, rice, etc.

Serve these little pinto beauties with organic whole wheat or organic corn tortillas and some homemade fresh salsa. The Perfectly Pickled Carrots add snap to this meal along with some fresh avocado slices or guacamole. Add some Mexican Rice and the meal will be a party!

Cook the beans and rice recipes this weekend and you can heat it for a  quick breakfast, lunch or dinner. Beans and rice is great for the gourmet tastebuds, the pocketbook and the waistline!

Try this recipe using black beans for another variation.


Marti Kolker’s Brisket & Beans

Martha Lynn Beirnbaum-Kolker (Marti) was a wonderful friend in Miami.

Her father Abe was in the hotel business after WWII on Miami Beach, at one point owning more hotel rooms than Conrad Hilton.  He made his fortune on Miami Beach, and received an award from the Miami Jewish Federation for liberatting hotels (opening them up to Jewish guests) on Miami Beach.

Her mother Amelia was from Macon Georgia, from a Jewish family in Georgia that came before the Revolutionary War (and helped finance it).Many have asked for this recipe, here it is.

1 small package of dried Baby Lima Beans

1 Brisket (up to 6 Pound)

2 onions, chopped

1 Pint Barbecue Sauce (best to use Marti & Amelia’s sauce recipe, which is below, otherwise, use your favorite).

Soak the Lima Beans overnight until they swell up.

Boil them about 15 minutes, until they start to get tender, but not soft (sort of “al dente”).

Drain off excess water.

Place the Brisket in an enamel roasting pan (or similar that can be covered tightly).

Pour the wet (but drained) beans on top. Add the chopped onion and the Barbecue Sauce.

Cover tightly and roast at 350 F for 30 minutes per pound of brisket.  If the Brisket is larger than 6 pounds, pre roast it for 30 minutes per pound over 6. The beans cook in about 2 hours, so a 4 - 5 pound brisket works best. You can also add a small can of baby carrots (drained) the last 45 minutes of cooking for extra flavor and color.


Marti & Amelia’s Barbecue Sauce

After years of experimentation, Marti and her mother came up with this recipe, which is perhaps the best tomato based barbecue sauce I’ve ever had.

2 large (barrel) bottles of Ketchup

2 large bottles of A-1 Sauce

1 Bottle of Wostershire Sauce

1 bottle of barbecue sauce, regular size, for spice blend.

1 jar of molasses

1/2 bottle of “Liquid Smoke”

1/2 bottle of sesame seed oil (optional)

1/2 bottle of vinegar

1 cup of Olive Oil

1/2 cup of Lemon Juice

4 onions, chopped

3 (or more) cloves of garlic,

chopped pepper to taste

hot sauce (or cayanne pepper) to taste.

Makes a large kettle of sauce. Simmer all day, with the top off so that it cooks down to proper consistency. May be thickened with an additional bottle of ketchup, or corn starch. Cook until thick, about 4 hours.  Bottle it up for later use.



(from Tampa Treasures cookbook)

This is the finest Mustard based barbecue sauce I’ve ever tasted, and is excellent for pork, chicken and fish.

1 pound butter or margarine

1 (10 ounce) bottle Worcestershire sauce

2 tablespoons Tabasco

1 cup prepared mustard

1 pint vinegar

3 lemons (include juice and grated rind)

salt, black pepper to taste, cayenne or red pepper to taste.

Melt butter; add remaining ingredients; cook until blended thoroughly.

 USE THIS SAUCE WHILE COOKING/BARBECUING.  It has no sugar, so it won’t burn like “sweet” red sauces.  You can also use it after, but it’s power is while you are cooking the meat.  Keep the meat wet with this, cook it slow, and it comes out incredibly moist and flavorful.

This Sauce is great if you are roasting pork or ham. You can slow roast the meat by covering it in this sauce, wrapping it tightly in foil and roasting it at 275 for about double the usual time. Serve with rolls for mini sandwiches. Have extra sauce as a side to the meat on the table.


Korean Bul-Go-Gi ("Bur-Go-Gi") Braised Barbecue Beef

This is a simplified version of Grace Ahn's recipe

Flank or "Flap" steak, cut into very thin slices.

Coat the steak in sesame oil, add garlic powder, dried onions and a small amount of brown sugar or honey.  

Coat the meat evenly with the above ingredients, then add Teryaki Sauce until almost covered.  Let marinate in refrigerator for at least four to six hours, stirring occasionally.

Grill meat on open grille, or sear in heavy skillet over high heat.  Serve immediately with rice and vegetables.


Apple cider syrup is poured onto a cornmeal waffle. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)

Recipe in our California Cookbook »

1 hour, 15 minutes, plus proofing time. Serves 12

1 ½ cups firmly packed brown sugar

1 ½ teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 quart apple cider
2 cinnamon sticks
½ cup (1 stick) butter
In a large pot, combine the brown sugar, vinegar, cider, cinnamon and butter. Bring to a boil, then reduce the mixture to a simmer, and cook, stirring occasionally, until reduced to 1 ½ cups, about 45 minutes. Discard the cinnamon. The syrup can be made up to 1 month in advance; cover tightly and refrigerate until needed, then warm and stir well before serving.
2 teaspoons active-dry yeast
¾ cup warm water
3 eggs
3 cups milk
1 cup cornmeal
2 cups plus 2 heaping tablespoons (9 ounces) flour
1 ½ teaspoons kosher salt
1 ½ teaspoons sugar
¾ cup (1 ½ sticks) butter, melted
Vegetable oil for the waffle iron
½ teaspoon baking soda
1. In a small bowl, combine the yeast and warm water. Set aside until foamy, about 10 minutes.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and milk. In another large bowl, whisk together the cornmeal, flour, salt and sugar. Add the yeast mixture to the eggs and milk, then whisk in the flour mixture until thoroughly combined. Whisk in the melted butter until just combined. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, up to overnight.
3. Heat the oven to 250 degrees. Heat the waffle iron and grease lightly with oil. Set a wire rack over a baking sheet.
4. Remove the batter from the refrigerator and whisk in the baking soda. Ladle some batter into the waffle iron, close the lid, and cook until the waffles are golden and cooked through, about 3 minutes or according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This makes about a dozen waffles, depending on the size of your waffle iron.
5. Transfer the waffle to the rack to keep warm in the oven. Repeat with the remaining batter, placing the cooked waffles in a single layer on the rack.
6. Serve the waffles warm with warm apple cider syrup.
Each of 12 servings: Calories 498; protein 7 grams; carbohydrates 67 grams; fiber 1 gram; fat 23 grams; saturated fat 14 grams; cholesterol 103 mg; sugar 39 grams; sodium 252 mg
Note: Adapted from a recipe in “Brown Sugar Kitchen: New-Style, Down-Home Recipes From Sweet West Oakland” by Tanya Holland.



(From Sunset Magazine, March 1929)

2 cups flour

1 cup whole milk

3 1/2 tsps baking powder

2 eggs, separate and beat the whites stiff

1/2 tsps salt

1 cup corn kernels

1/4 cup butter, melted

Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Stir in milk and egg yolks. Add corn and butter, fold in egg whites.

Bake in in a hot waffle iron.Makes about 4 large waffles.  (The egg whites are what make waffles “fluffy”)

Note: Thawed frozen corn, or canned corn without liquid such as Nibblets may be used.


Yeast Waffles:


2 cups  all-purpose flour

1 1/2 teaspoons SAF red instant yeast (or active dry yeast)

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons granulated sugar

3 large eggs 

1 1/2 cups milk

1/2 cup melted unsalted butter, cooled

1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (optional)

Warm the milk to about 100°F, add the sugar and yeast to the milk. Stir until mix and set aside to ferment.

Makes all dry gradients together, if you use salted butter, don’t add the salt and the ingredients list.

Beat the eggs, and melted butter, two eggs, and then stir into the milk and yeast mixture. Mix the liquid into dry ingredients.  Continue mixing until you have a smooth batter.

Set the batter aside for a minimum of one hour, you can also put it overnight in the refrigerator, so that the yeast will have a chance to leaven the batter. 

Once the batter has raised, break it and stir it again,. Once the battery is room temperature, begin cooking waffles in a hot waffle iron.

Read more: 

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“Hermits” cookies (Edna Garren)

those wonderful cookies that my mother has made for years, chewy and good). The Allspice and Orange Marmalade give these cookies a distinctive flavor.  The basic recipe is over 500 years old.

Pre Heat the oven to 375 F, start with regular beaters in your mixer:

2 Eggs

1 Tablespoon Syrup (Karo/AlaGa Cane syrup, etc.)

1 1/2 Cup Sugar

2/3 cup Oil

2 Tablespoons Orange Marmalade

Cream the eggs, sugar and oil, add the syrup and Marmalade,

then add

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Nutmeg

1/2 Teaspoon Allspice

1/2 Teaspoon Ginger

1 Cup seedless Raisins

1 Cup chopped nuts (Walnuts/Pecans, can be mixed)

1 Teaspoon Baking SODA dissolved in 1 Tablespoon Water

Switch to a dough hook (on your mixer) and add 3 Cups Flour.

Mix this into a stiff dough.  Drop with a teaspoon onto greased cookie sheets and bake at 375 F until medium brown.Yield 2 to 3 doz.



My friend John Burnett got this recipe from a neighbor, Mary Ellen Reed of Sylmar California in 1979. It is stunningly delicious.

1 large can of Pumpkin pie filling

2 cups of chopped pecans

1 box of Duncan Heinz Butter Recipe cake mix

1 small Pkg of pecan halves

1 can of evaporated milk

1 stick of butter or margarine (melted)

Prepare Pumpkin Pie Mix according to directions on can using evaporated milk. Grease or spray with Pam, a 9 X 11 Pyrex rectangular glass dish orequivalent pan. Pour Pumpkin Mix into dish. Remove cake mix from box while still in its plastic wrap. Before opening mash out all lumps in the mix. Dribble cake mix (dry) over entire top of Pumpkin Mix. Spread evenly with afork. Next dribble chopped pecans on top of cake mix. Dribble melted butter over top.

It will not cover every area — Just dribble it over as much as possible. Reserve Pecan Halves and arrange them on top of the cake ten minutes before end of cooking time.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

This cake may also be done with sweet potato pie mix.


SWEET POTATO PIE~My favorite recipe

Makes 2 nine inch pies (from "Taste of Georgia")  This is absolutely the best sweet potato pie recipe ever, and I’ve tried many.  Everyone who has made it agrees with me on this, try it, you will too.*(You can reduce the sugar and butter if you want a “lighter” pie, use theamounts in parenthesis)

1.5 cups sugar *(or 1 cup)

3/4 stick butter, melted 

3 eggs

1/2 cup milk

1.5 cups cooked sweet potatoes or canned yams mashed

1 tbls of Vanilla extract*

2 regular 9 inch pie shell(s), unbaked

* Captain Morgan Spiced rum, Amaretto or bourbon may be substituted

Beat together sugar and eggs, add potatoes/yams, vanilla extract and melted butter. Mix, then add milk, continue mixing.

Pour into pie shell(s) and bake at 350 for about an hour. DO NOT USE ANY SPICES

VARIATION: Put pecans on top, plain, or sauted in butter and sugar.


Pecan Pralines (Krista Simison Bryars)  

While visiting the Bryars in Mobile, Krista gave us this wonderful recipe for PecanPralines, and a bag full for the road. They were wonderful, hope you enjoy the recipe. It was a little tricky the first time, depending on the speed of your microwave.  I’m sure it can be made on top of the stove as well.

3/4 Cup Buttermilk

2 Cups Sugar

2 Cups Pecan Halves

1/8 teaspoon Salt

2 tablespoons Butter

1 teaspoon (Baking) Soda

1 teaspoon Vanilla

In a large microwave safe bowl, stir together Buttermilk, Sugar, Pecans, Salt and Butter. Cook on high 10 1/2 minutes, stirring every 3 minutes. Stir in Baking Soda until foamy. Cook 1 minute.  Add Vanilla.  Beat until tacky and drop on foil to cool.


Cinnamon Pie  Krista Simison Bryars

Krista is the other granddaughter of Ruth Gilbert, whose Gumbo recipe is above.


    1 2/3 cup cane sugar  (1 cup white sugar may be substituted)

    1 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    1 pinch salt

    2 eggs, beaten

    2 tablespoons butter, melted

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1 1/2 cups milk

    1 (10 inch) unbaked pie crust


    Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).

    In a large bowl, combine the sugar, flour, cinnamon and salt. Add the beaten egg, butter, and vanilla. Mix well and add the milk.

    Pour mixture into an unbaked 10 inch pie crust (glass pie plate is best).

    Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and bake for an additional 45 minutes. Let cool and serve. Refrigerate any leftovers.

The "Muslim" Bean Pie 
from M. Coleman
If you've never had a Bean Pie, you've missed one of life's genuine delights.  The history of this pie goes back to the "Nation of Islam" (The Honorable Elijah Muhammad) who had a deep interest in improving nutrition among African Americans. 
The "Navy Bean" is one of the most complete foods on the shelf, being almost pure complete protein and fiber.  One can literally live off of Navy Beans alone, they are that healthy.  This recipe was created to get more people to eat more Navy Beans, and it worked. 
Bean Pies were sold by street vendors and at Shabaz Bakeries all over America.  They represented an icon of African American independence and were usually sold by well dressed men in suits, on street corners, along with "Muhammad Speaks." 
I spent years working in African American neighborhoods, so I often bought both, wishing to expand my knowledge base, but loving the flavor and texture of the pies, which are similar to Sweet Potato or Pumpkin, but "better."
With the passing of Elijah Mohammed, the "Nation of Islam" has fallen away, replaced by a genuine Muslim faith which is welcoming of all persons.  The pie is still around, but harder to get.
After years of trying to make them with disappointing results, I found this recipe.  Hope you enjoy, The "Muslim" Bean Pie.
2 cups navy beans (cooked according to package instructions)
Note: You'll want to make sure that you have planned ahead to make this pie because you need to pre-soak the beans before you can cook them.
1 stick butter
2 tablespoons flour
4 eggs
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 cups sugar
1  14oz. can evaporated milk (not sweetened condensed milk)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons vanilla
Cook beans until soft.
Preheat oven. to 350 degrees.
In electric blender, blend beans, butter, milk, eggs, nutmeg and flour about 2 minutes on medium speed.
Pour mixture into a large mixing bowl. Add sugar and vanilla. Mix well.
Pour into pie shells.  Bake about one hour until golden brown.
Makes 2 or 3 Bean Pies.


Cuban (style) Bread Pudding  (Ed Garren)

5 cups cut up or shredded Cuban bread (French will do if you can’t find Cuban, DO NOT use sourdough)

1/2 cup of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum.

9 eggs beaten

1/2 stick of butter

2 cups of milk  (one cup to soak, one cup later for mix)

2 cups of sugar

1/4 can of Guava Paste, cut into small pieces, about 1/4 inch squares.  (You can find this in the “Hispanic” foods section.

Preheat oven to 350 F.

Cut or shred the bread into small pieces, about 1/2 inch in size and place in a medium mixing bowl.  Pour one cup of milk onto the bread and let the bread soak up all the milk (about five minutes).    After the bread has soaked up the milk, pour the rum onto the bread and stir it so that it soaks into the bread.

Melt the butter.  Use a small amount to coat a two quart casserole dish, then pour the rest into the bread mixture and stir till it is evenly distributed.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, then pour them into the bread mixture, followed by the second cup of milk, then the sugar, then the guava paste.

Fold this mixture  until it is evenly distributed, then pour into the casserole dish.  Place in the preheated oven and bake until done, about 90 minutes.  It is done when an inserted knife comes out slightly wet and the top and edges are browned or even slightly burned in spots around the edge.

Remove from the oven and let it cool for about 30 minutes before serving.  Can be topped with whipped cream.

NOTE:  The mixture will rise while cooking, and then fall when you pull it out to cool.  This is normal.


 Banana Pudding

(Hazel Smith’s recipe)

1 & 1/2 cup sugar 

(This makes a very sweet pudding, you can reduce the sugar to 1 cup if you prefer)

2 tablespoons flour

1 & 1/2 cup evaporated milk

3 eggs

1 stick butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 or 4 bananas

3/4 box of vanilla wafers

2 sprinkles of cream of tartar

Mix suar and flour in a saucepan.  Separate eggs.  Stir yolks with a fork until blended.  Add milk to yolks, slowly stir egg/milk mixture into the sugar/flour mixture until well blended.  Cook on low heat until a custard forms and thickens.  Stir a time or two, then remove from heat, add butter and allow to melt.  Cool and add vanilla extract.

While custard is cooling, line a quart size (9 x 5 x 2) Pyrex dish with three layers of vanilla wafers and three layers of bananas.  Pour cool custard voer wafers and bananas.

Sprinkle cream of tartar over egg whites and beat until frothy, then add 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.  When firm, spread on top and bake at 375 in a preheated oven for 10 - 15 minutes, or until brown.

Substitute a large can of drained, crushed pineapple for the bananas and make pineapple pudding.


BANANA BREAD, (Pamela Ferguson’s recipe)

Pam lived in Hawaii for many years and I’m sure this is a “native” recipe she charmed out of a local.  Generally, the “softer” the bananas, the better.

Oven 350 degrees

Bake 55 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean (you know the drill)

Standard loaf pan / greased / 8 x 4 x 2

1 and 3/4 cup all-purpose flour

2/3 cup sugar

2 t baking powder

1/2 t baking soda

1/4 t salt

1 cup mashed ripe banana (3 medium banana)

1/3 c shortening, margarine or butter

2 T milk

2 eggs

1/4 chopped nuts (walnut)

1/4 golden raisins

Pam writes, "I just mix wet ingredients.  Add bananas.  Add dry ingredients.  Add nuts and raisins

The actual recipe calls for electric mixer on low speed till blended then on high speed for 2 minutes but I have always done it by hand.  Mine might be more “country” as opposed to smoother."


Jerrys ice cream custard base  

Jerry is the husband of my great friend, Alison Taylor, MA, LPC 

They live in Hillsboro Oregon.  

2. 2/3 cups sugar

2 tbls corn starch

1/2 tsp salt

6 cups whole milk. 

Simmer till very warm

Add 4 beaten egg yolks slowly (6 if French Vanilla)

Cook till it thickens (slightly)

Remove from heat

Add 12 oz evaporated milk

2 cups whipping cream

2 tbls vanilla (if it will be vanilla)

Chill for four hours before putting it into the ice cream maker.




Joe and Magda Greene sent me this simple little recipe that really works.  I make it in a “Menudo” bowl, experiment with your dishes, just make sure it’s microwave safe.  I make variations with walnuts or pecans s well.  I’ve also made it with Spenda to save calories.


4 tablespoons flour

4 tablespoons sugar (or Splenda)

2 tablespoons cocoa

1 egg

3 tablespoons milk

3 tablespoons oil

3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)

A small splash of vanilla extract

1 large coffee mug (MicroSafe)  You can use a large soup bowl instead.


Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.

Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.

Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.


Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts. (I’ve cooked it in two in a bowl, this part is flexible, depending on your microwave and the dish you’re using.  Don't overcook it or it will be tough.

The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don’t be alarmed!

Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.  For genuine decadence, cover with whipped cream or ice cream.

Let it cool some and then EAT ! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).